
Tailored for MNCs and Large Enterprises.

E-cology is an all-in-one process automation platform designed to enhance collaboration efficiency and reduce costs for large enterprises

Weaver e-cology 泛微OA BPM DMS

Weaver E-cology Product Design Concept

Understand more about E-cology from design concept
Weaver E-cology design concept

Product Desgin Concept

Centered on People, Driven by Process

Weaver E-cology Office Automation centers on people, tailoring work scenarios to various roles. It leverages processes to manage applications, data, and information across the organization, enhancing data utilization in diverse work settings. The platform promotes collaboration across organizations, departments, and teams around key events, cultivating a culture of synergy.

Product Desgin Concept

Collaboration Matrix

E-cology Utilize the ‘Collaboration Matrix Model’ to mirror the real-time operations of an enterprise, transforming its internal structure into a networked, collaborative environment. This model fosters highly collaborative interactions between functional modules, establishing an enterprise information network management system that accesses all pertinent information from any node

Weaver e-cology matrix collaborative
Weaver e-cology Gear Linkage

Product Desgin Concept

Gear Linkage: Driving Efficient Collaboration

In the day-to-day operations of an enterprise, the interaction among transactions, systems, and departments resembles a ‘Gear Linkage Model’ in system design. This model ensures that the activity of one module catalyzes the functionality of others, significantly enhancing their performance and boosting overall system integration

Product Desgin Concept

Objective to Execution

E-cology assisting enterprises in constructing a structure focused on objectives, with organizational architecture as the framework, people at the core, workflows as the veins, and knowledge information as the lifeblood. This approach fosters collaboration across internal and external departments and various personnel, uniting efforts to achieve the organization’s goals

Weaver e-cology goal to task
Weaver E-cology

Business Applications

All-in-one business application platform
Weaver OA Contract management

Contract Management

E-cology offers comprehensive digital management solutions for the entire contract lifecycle, including template and clause management, drafting and consultation, compliance approval, electronic signing, disclosure, digital archiving, performance collaboration, and risk monitoring.

DMS & Knowledge

E-cology committe to delivering comprehensive digital knowledge and document management solutions, we enable organizations to consolidate all unstructured data onto a unified platform. This facilitates automatic collection, compliance management, efficient utilization, and intelligent innovation of knowledge documents. Our goal is to ensure that knowledge emerges from work and serves work effectively

Weaver OA document management system DMS
Weaver OA low-code BPM Budget and expense control

Budget and Expense

E-cology Offer specialized products and solutions in fee-control and budgeting, covering a broad spectrum from budget management and financial consolidation to fund oversight. Our offerings integrate finance and taxation and support digital invoicing, electronic reimbursements, and direct bank-enterprise linkages. Additional features include payment settlements, electronic filing and documentation, as well as comprehensive business travel and expense integration

Project Management

E-cology deliver comprehensive digital project management tools that cover the entire lifecycle from pre-project planning through to project closure. Our solutions facilitate project creation, task planning, execution feedback, deliverables archiving, cost control, and process monitoring. They also promote internal and external collaboration, positioning the project at the core of organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

Weaver OA 泛微OA 项目管理 Project Management
Weaver OA low-code BPM Budget and expense control

Budget and Expense

E-cology Offer specialized products and solutions in fee-control and budgeting, covering a broad spectrum from budget management and financial consolidation to fund oversight. Our offerings integrate finance and taxation and support digital invoicing, electronic reimbursements, and direct bank-enterprise linkages. Additional features include payment settlements, electronic filing and documentation, as well as comprehensive business travel and expense integration


E-cology offers extensive HR applications that not only meet the needs of human resources departments but also facilitate collaboration across different organizational areas. By integrating business and personnel systems through configurable methods, it aligns business and employee data. This comprehensive approach provides a clear view of employee realities, enhancing the organization’s capability to manage talent effectively. It supports the full talent lifecycle—recruiting, training, managing, and retaining employees within the business process

Weaver OA 泛微OA 人事管理 Human Resource Management
Weaver OA, Low-code BPM, Low-code CRM


Leverage intelligent, mobile, fully digital technology with our platform that enables enterprises to achieve closed-loop management throughout the entire marketing lifecycle—from market analysis and lead generation to customer engagement, opportunity management, and contract fulfillment. Centered on sales targets and customer needs, our system integrates product development, marketing, sales, contracts, projects, customer service, procurement, administration, finance, and HR into a cohesive operating system


Fully satisfy the digitalization needs of procurement operations by managing the entire process from supplier management to procurement requirements, online sourcing, price comparisons, e-tendering, and the execution of contracts and orders. Tailored to specific industry needs, customer volumes, and procurement categories, we provide clients with exclusive digital procurement consulting and planning solutions.

Weaver OA, low-code BPM, low-code procurement management
Weaver OA, low-code BPM, process Automation, RPA, Robotic Process Automation


E-cology Robots enhance organizational efficiency with capabilities for automatic data collection, intelligent analysis, autonomous decision-making, and proactive notifications. Equipped to function as digital employees, they perform continuous 24/7 information gathering and data entry, freeing up staff from repetitive tasks. This automation unlocks employee potential, making the organization smarter and more responsive.

AI + App design

Weaver e-builder

Rapid busines application design withour code

1. Requirement

1. Data
2. Approval items
3. Business Process
4. Data Linkage
5. Data analysis

2. Application

1. New application
2. Application Mgt.

3. Form

1. New form
2. Control properties
3. Layout views
4. Permission
5. Data Mgt.

4. Workflow

1. New workflow
2. Node design
3. Flow path
4. Archive permission
5. Data Mgt.

5. Action Flow

1. New action flow
2. Trigger events
3. Action execution
4. Running testing

6. Page

1. Page designer
2. Components
3. Conf. permission
4. Advance Layout

7. Report

1. Data collection
2. Data design
3. Conf. permission

8. Menu

1. Menu structure
2. Permission

9. Permission

1. App maintain
2. Data permission

10. Release

1. App permission
2. Release to 3rd party platform

Discover the Future of Work with e-cology

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